Shipping Policy

  • All orders will be shipped through LTL within 2 to 4 business days of payment being received in full. All orders will be provided a tracking number to the customer account used to purchase the order. Please note that the tracking number will not be available until the order has been prepared for shipping.
  • Shipping times will vary based on customer location and will normally take 3 to 7 business days for delivery once the order has been shipped.
  • Please inspect the shipment immediately. Photos are not required but are recommended for your personal records and safety in the rare event that a freight claim needs to be filed.
  • Any damage to the order must be reported to Noble Craft Cabinetry within 24 hours of delivery; failure to do so will negate the ability to claim it as damaged during shipping.
  • Before signing off, make a notation for damage and/or shortage (if there are any) on the delivery receipt with a representative from the carrier present before accepting the order, but do not refuse the order.
  • The freight carrier has acknowledged the receipt of the shipment from our facilities in good condition. By your acceptance of the shipment from the carrier on the delivery receipt, you acknowledge that the product has been delivered in good condition. We cannot be held responsible for loss or damage if you give the carrier a clean and clear receipt.
  • For residential shipments, drivers WILL NOT deliver cabinets inside of the house.  All shipments will be delivered to the nearest curbside of the final destination address or customer’s driveway.  Whichever is safer for the driver to proceed.
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